8:30-9:00 a.m. Registration and reception
9:00-10:30 Sessions
A. Issues in Jazz
1. "Settin' the Standard: Rethinking the Significance of W.C. Handy to Early Jazz and Beyond." Ray Briggs, UCLA
2. "Re-Masculating Jazz: Ornette Coleman, 'Lonely Woman,' and the New York Jazz Scene in the Late 1950s." David Ake, UCLA
3. "Defending Jazz Against its Devotees." Dale Chapman, UCLA.
B. Syncretism
1. "Two Pictures of Latin-American Musicians in Los Angeles." Laura Osborn, UCLA
2. "Mandinka tantango and Jola bugarabu: The Coexistence and Synthesis of Musical Styles from the Gambia and Senegal." Todd Caschetta, UCSB
3. "Questions of Cultural Identity in the Use of Traditional Instruments in Improvised Music." Ellen Weller, UCSD
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:15 Sessions
A. Asian Diasporas
1. "Stealing a Myth." Christi-Anne Castro, UCLA
2. "In Search of Taiwanese Identity: Musical Activities Among Taiwan Immigrants in Los Angeles." Hui-Hsuan Sylvia Chao, UCSB
3. "Crossing Boundaries: The Instrumental Works of Diasporic Composer Isang Yun." Jeongmee Kim, UCLA
B. The Stakes of Interpretation
1. "Which Side Are You On?: Cultural Politics and the Art/Ethnography Continuum." Heidi Feldman, UCLA
2. "Problematizing the Concept of 'Gypsy'." David Malvinni, UCSB
3. "What is Call and Response in Eve Music." Chris Provenzano, UCLA
12:15-1:15 Lunch on your own
1:15-2:00 Chapter Business Meeting
2:00-2:45 Keynote Speaker
2:45-3:00 Break
3:00-5:00 Sessions
A. Music and Gender
1. "Duende and the Feminine: Women Flamenco Singers in Spain." Loren Chuse, UCLA
2. "Musical Patrons, Patrons of Music: The Courtesans of India." Jean Galleciez, UCSB
3. Video and discussion: "Breaking the Rule of Tradition: 'Las Renyas de Los Angeles.'"
Discussants: Leonor Perez (UCLA), Marie-Claire Sallaberry (CSU-Northridge), Laura Sobrino (UCSC), and Sarah Truher (UCLA)
B. Religion
1. "The Formation of Buddhist Devotional Music in Sri Lanka." Vasana De Mel, UCL.
2. "Hermeneutics and Horizons: Interpreting Afro-Cuban Sacred Music Performance." Kevin Delgado, UCLA
3. Video: "The Great Ceremony to Straighten the World." Jann Pasler, UCSD
5:00-7:00 Student-only Potluck and Forum
5:00-7:00 Dinner on your own
7:00-?? World Music/Jazz Jam Session led by Steve Loza (UCLA)