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Society for Ethnomusicology
Southern California Chapter

Thirty-seventh Annual Meeting

February 22-23, 2003
Loyola Marymount College
Los Angeles, CA

Click here to download this CFP in Adobe Acrobat format.

Click here to download the Abstract Information Form.


The program committee of the 37th annual meeting of the Society for
Ethnomusicology, Southern California Chapter (SEMSCC) invites local SEM
members, students, faculty, and all others interested in the field of
ethnomusicology to submit proposals for papers, panels, roundtable
discussions, workshops, film/video screenings, performances, or collective
events for the 2003 conference.

As in the past, we prefer not to stipulate any conference themes in advance,
instead allowing themes to emerge from the abstracts that are submitted.
However, we would like to encourage panel submissions in which three or four
papers explore different aspects of a common theme. The program committee
also extends a special invitation to local members of the American
Musicological Society and Society for American Music to submit proposals
that might be of mutual interest.

Proposals from graduate students in ethnomusicology and closely related
fields are especially welcome. Graduate student papers are eligible for the
Ki Mantle Hood Student Prize (see the guidelines posted on the SEMSCC
website at http://www.ucr.edu/ethnomus/semscc1.html). We also strongly
encourage local faculty and new or visiting scholars to contribute to the

Regular mail: Please submit four copies of an abstract not more than 300
words long. One copy should have your name, institutional affiliation, and
address in the bottom left corner. The remaining three copies should consist
of your abstract text only and should not include any identification.
Include one copy of the completed Abstract Information Form (available at
www.ucr.edu/ethnomus/semscc1.html). Be sure to include an email address or a
self-addressed stamped envelope to facilitate notification. Faxed proposals
cannot be considered. Mail must be postmarked by January 6, 2003.

Send regular mail submissions to:
Christi-Anne Castro
Filipino American Library
P.O. Box 65066
Los Angeles, CA 90065

Email: Send an email with the information requested on the Abstract
Information Forn in the body of the message and follow with your abstract of
not more than 300 words. (Please no attachments.) Email must be received by
January 7, 2003.

Send email submissions and queries to: xti@ipbahay.org

Notifications will be made by the final week of January through email except
in those cases where an email address is not given.

Program Committee SEMSCC 2003
Kimasi Browne
Cornelia Fales
John von Seggern