1998 Report of the Chapter President

Amy K. Stillman (UCSB)

I send my deepest regrets for being unable to be in attendance, and my best wishes for a meeting filled with stimulating ideas and fruitful conversation.

I represented the Southern California Chapter at the Chapter Coordinator's meeting, held during the annual SEM meeting last fall in Pittsburgh. The major item of discussion was enhancing communications within chapters; SEMSCC was acknowledged as a model for other chapters to emulate, with the establishment of the chapter website and email list by Vice-President René T.A. Lysloff. With respect to student prizes, SEMSCC was again cited for the formalization of guidelines for the Ki Mantle Hood Student Prize.

At this time, too, I am formally submitting my resignation as president of the chapter, as I will be moving out of the region at the end of this summer, to take up an appointment as Associate Professor at the University of Michigan. It is in the interest of continuity in carrying out the business of the chapter that I step down now, and allow the membership to decide how best to proceed with the election of the vice-president to the presidency, and of a new vice-president.

Respectfully submitted,
Amy K. Stillman